Riccarton Community Hub

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Brief respite for Riccarton Road

Riccarton roadworks

Businesses along Riccarton Road affected by the current road works have been given a brief respite.

City Councillor Vicki Buck says the work being done between Deans Avenue and Harakeke Street is a major issue: "So here’s the latest thinking so you are all aware of current proposals. I will update as things are more certain."


Ms Buck says ground investigations, minor kerb work and the remaining underground pipe work is proposed to begin in mid-March with two weeks of night works. The main work to resurface Riccarton Road will be completed over April and May. This work will be undertaken during the day and night. "We expect to award a contract in the next two weeks."

The work on Riccarton Road is currently on hold, primarily due to changes in the level of road reconstruction required. "Due to concerns from businesses about the timing and length of disruption, we agreed to review the construction methodology of the road reconstruction. Due to these changes the resurfacing work will take around two months instead of four.

"Businesses also requested that the work not be done over their busy summer period. By starting in April we will avoid the busiest time for the businesses along Riccarton Road while also getting the work done before the winter weather starts. We are working with the businesses to minimise disruptions."

The project team has been meeting with a business group to discuss the work revised timeframes and work methodologies. A further drop-in meeting will be held with the community next week.